Ministerial Nominee Calls For Functional Infrastructure

Mr. Okechukwu Enyinna Enelamah, a ministerial nomi­nee has said that Nigeria would have to provide functional infrastructural facilities, if she hopes to see her economy grow.

Nigeria would have to provide functional infra­structural facilities, if she hopes to see her economy grow, a ministerial nominee, Mr. Okechukwu Enyinna Enelamah, said yesterday, while being screened by the Senate.
Fielding questions from the senators, Enelamah also urged those in the government to make our country attractive for inves­tors and investment.
“Nigeria needs to run an inclu­sive, which is an economy that creates jobs for the citizenry. We have to increase our capacity to invest by increasing our revenues. The taxes we collect are too small to sustain the economy. Nigeria should have a social contract with the people.
“We have a great opportunity to build a great country we all can be proud of. If confirmed, I will work tirelessly to help build Nige­ria. We are in challenging times, and we need to apply shared vision in tackling the subsisting challenges.

For the full story, check The Union newspaper.


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