Blackout: Power generation down to zero mw in 2 days

FOR two days, on Tuesday and Wednesday Nigerians have been thrown into darkness as power generation remained at zero mega watts yesterday.
Abridged statistics from the website of the Nigeria Electricity System Operator posted that zero mw was generated at 07.13 hours.
As at 7.15pm yesterday, power generation remained at zeromw.
The zero mw power generation may not be unconnected with shut down of Shiroro power plant in Niger State and Sapele 11 power plant on Tuesday, bringing the number of plants on zero mw to 10.
Shiroro, which capacity was put at 600mw, was said to have seen its unit 411G1 tripped on emergency shutdown on the 86ES lockout relay; units 411G2 and 3 out for under water repair work; and unit 411G4 out on maintenance.
The Sapele II, built under the National Integrated Power Project (NIPP), with capacity at 225mw, has four units. The GT1 was shut down for maintenance, GT3 out due to work by the Nigerian Gas Company at the gas station, while the GT2 and four units are out as a result of gas constraints.
Daily Sun investigation across Lagos revealed that many areas have been in darkness since Tuesday afternoon.
Last week, Nigeria was in darkness as a result of generation of zero mw.

 Check the Sun newspaper for the full story.


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