When a woman is pregnant, one major thing that beclouds her is the method of delivery she will undergo.

The two types of delivery are the Vaginal birth and the Caesarian section. Most women fear the thought of going through the doctors knives while for some, it's the safest way to deliver their babies. It is erroneously believed in some parts of Africa that an expectant mother who undergoes CS is under a spell.
A vaginal birth is the most natural birthing process. It is a preferred choice of most expectant moms. Once you give birth the vaginal way, your hospital stay is much shorter. The recovery time after a vaginal birth is lesser than that after a cesarean delivery. A vaginal birth will not involve any incision or major scarring. It is also not very surgically invasive. Therefore, the chances of developing complications at the time of childbirth are lesser. As per the American Pregnancy Association, mothers who opt for a vaginal birth have a lower mortality risk.
Vaginal birth has many benefits for your baby too. Your baby and your body will start to prepare and progress naturally for vaginal birth. As your baby passes through the vaginal opening, all the amniotic fluid in your baby’s lungs will expel naturally. During vaginal birth, your baby will also ingest some protective bacteria that will colonize in his intestines. These will boost his immune system.
However, there are certain cons to vaginal birth too. In a vaginal birth, the entire process depends on your body’s readiness and timing. Therefore, there is no way to schedule the birth as such. As you near your labor time, you may suffer from anxiety and stress. In some cases, vaginal birth may increase your risk of incontinence (the inability of the physical organs to restrain discharges of their contents). A vaginal birth may also cause sexual problems post-delivery. During this type of birthing, the risk of birth trauma for your baby also increases as your baby has to pass through the birth canal and may need the help of forceps.
In a cesarean birth, childbirth happens with the help of an incision made through your abdominal wall and uterus. It is slowly becoming a popular choice of birthing in recent times.
                                    A c-section is a planned surgical procedure of childbirth. Therefore, you exactly know when your little one will arrive in the world. You can plan accordingly and prepare yourself mentally for the birth. It will help reduce your stress and anxiety. When you go for a cesarean birth, you are less likely to suffer from incontinence than in the case of a vaginal birth. In addition, the risk of suffering from sexual problems after the birth is lower. Your baby too has lesser chances of suffering from any birth trauma, as the use of forceps is minimal.
As with any surgery, a cesarean surgery too has its cons. In most cases, a cesarean delivery will be pre-planned. It means that your baby may not naturally be ready and mature to come out of the womb. Incorrect calculation of your due date is also a possibility. As a cesarean delivery is a surgical process, it leads to greater blood loss. The use of anesthesia increases the threat of developing complications. You are susceptible to various infections and blood clots too. A cesarean delivery has higher mortality rate for the mother. It also has twice the mortality rate for infants.
The process of birth is an entirely personal choice that you need to discuss and decide with your partner. Speak to your doctor about what will suit you best. As every pregnancy is unique, your doctor will evaluate your overall health and the way your pregnancy is progressing before advising you on the method of childbirth. Take an informed decision that is best for your health and your baby’s development.






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