Military Command Control Centre to be fully operational in 21 days -Army

The Nigerian army yesterday said the newly estab­lished Military Command and Control Centre (MCCC) in the North East of the country would be fully operation­al in the next 21 days.
A statement by acting Di­rector of Public Relations of the Nigerian Army, Col­onel Sani Usman, said the timeline would enable the authorities install hi-tech equipment and complete infrastructure development of the centre. Colonel Us­man, stated that posting of additional operations staff to the centre has since com­menced.
He said: “With the es­tablishment of the Centre, all strategic and opera­tional decisions on the fight against terrorism and insur­gency would emanate from the MCCC. This will en­sure faster response time; improve situational aware­ness and better coordina­tion of all stakeholders.”
He assured that the cen­tre would give the needed impetus to the prosecution and successful conclusion of the war against terror­ism.
“It will also provide the required interface between the Armed Forces of Nige­ria and the Multi-National Joint Task Force to be de­ployed at the Lake Chad Basin area at the end of the month of July 2015,” he said.


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